Welcome To Katie's Kitchen
To sit in the kitchen at Meherazad, to smell the the spices, the aroma's that permeate the senses. To lean ones elbows on the center counter and listen to sweet Katie remember... Lordy, what a grand life, well we at JaiBaba.com wanted to bring this kitchen with it's aroma's and stories of love home with us. In honor of this most special kitchen we have designed (with Katie's approval,) a format where we can share good vegetarian and non vegetarian cooking with each other. Please share your favorite recipes, cooking hints, and thoughts.
A story told to us by Katie Irani, Feb 2000.
"When we were traveling on the Blue Bus with Meher Baba in 1939 and we happened to stay longer in one place than usual, Baba one morning, called Manu (Eruch's sister) and myself and told us that we were to cook for all, starting the next day I said "Yes Baba," and in my heart of hearts I was thinking, "I have never been in the kitchen before, what will I cook?" But Manu being there, I thought I would rely on her. But she herself was also wondering how to cook for 30 people?! Well, the next morning we started cooking and of course the rice became a little pudding and the dal was watery so we were scared how to present it at the table. Anyway, the next day we put a little less water and the rice remained half-raw. This went on for a couple of days, experimenting, trying to bring it to the right consistency. Then Baba one day called us both and said, "Can't you both cook a little better? Everybody is complaining. " I replied, "I'm sorry Baba, we're doing our very best and I shall try to cook a little better." So this was the beginning of my cooking -- the hard way. But now because of Baba's guidance and patience I have learned to cook during all these years. I like to be creative in my cooking and always the first ingredient that I put in is "Jai Baba!" and leave it to Baba to take care, and it always turns out well."

Meher Baba's Seat at the talbe at Meherazad, India.
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