
Less We Forget

When the Lord comes to the Earth, He brings with Him, His Companions. Those special wayfarers who come to serve and who never ask or expect anything. They just live for the Beloved.
We hope these Angels of Beloved Avatar Meher Baba will always be remembered.



In fact, this story had been told to me my Bala Ji. I am simply puting it here in his rememberence.

After I read Bal Natu's book, "Conversations With the Awakener",I resolved to translate it in my vernaculer language so that the contents may reach to whole Northern India. I needed auther's permission. Thus,I went to Meherazad to meet Bala ji. I introduced myself; Bala Ji warmly greeted me and spontaniously said,"Why introduce yourself? It is a wonderfull Baba Coincidence (CC) that the book is going to publish in Hindi. This remindsa me another incidence when a foreigner lady, who had not met Baba, had come to see Him at Guruprasad, Poona. By chance there was none at the gate, nor anyone in sight. Lady walked in the room where Baba was siting over a sofa, and, again per chance there was no one near Him.Lady asked Baba,"Who are you?" Baba smiled and gestured. Meanwhile Eruch came and explained the lady that Baba was saying,"I AM YOU IN YOU"

The lady burst into tears and kept shedding tears for long. It is therefore needless to be introduced, but"feel" togetherness, love. and joy

-----Submitted in His Rememberence.
Date of Posting: 28 March 2018
Posted By: satish1408

Every time I had reached MEHERABAD I always wanted to stand and gaze at MOHAMMAD his eyes were huge and and felt like the whole world..I would see people offering soap to him and I wanted to do the same ,but something always happened and I was not able to ...till when I met him for the last time...i offered him the soap he saw it and wanted me to open the wrapper ,as soon as Idid that he took it from my hand,his hands were softer than silk..as women were not supposed to touch him Iwas a little taken aback .but I really love Mohammed and he has always changed my life....jaibaba
Date of Posting: 28 March 2018
Posted By: samira mahajan
Only a Darshan of Mohammed Mast.

i saw mohammed mast six months before his joining baba.it was an evening.i stood at a distance about 20 feet.two maids were feeding him milk by a spoon.during this he was uttering regularly "DEVAM SAI".as he says devam sai the two maids starts laughing and repeating devam sai.i thought that mohammed recognizes me as sai devotee and making me feel my lord.i stayed there for 20 minutes.it was a great moment to get darshan of baba's this kind of lover.apparently devam looks god or devta but i could not find this word in any dictionary.may be devam is said in deep love.unfortunately i have not seen avtar meherbaba but seeing mohammed mast gave me slight fullfillment as he is loved by baba a lot.whenever i go to visit baba's samadhi i certainly visit mohammed's samadhi.
Date of Posting: 28 March 2018
Posted By: devam sai
Peace on the Porch.

I first went to Meherabad in 1996. I was soon introduced to Mohammed and the experience of "the porch". The longing for the experience of being closer to Baba would become so intense that I would ask Baba where to go and what to do moment by moment. I felt inwardly guided to visit Mohammed each day. I remember feeling, "oh this is great, perhaps I will have a special blessing or some event will take place that will certainly change my life forever...!" (well.... I was new to all this)

This is indeed what transpired but not in the way I had expected.

I started to notice that when I remained on the porch of the old mandali hall the mind would quiet down, any persistant thoughts would simply vanish along with all worries and concerns, and a definite joy, and bliss permeated the atmosphere. It presented the direct perception of a peace that arrives when the mind slows down. It was as though Mohammed would share a glimpse of his bliss with us.

All of this was only amplified by the spontaneous play between Mohammed and his care givers. There is nothing as funny as listening to Allen, or Erico communicating with Mohammed in their unique and animated fashion.

On one occassion when Mohammed was taking his little walk he became tired and needed to sit down for a rest. When Allan witnessed this scene he encouraged Mohamed to please get inside quickly before the tiger came to eat him. Mohammed would laugh and make efforts to defend himself against the threats but ofcourse Allan would persist.

Prescious, prescious times!

I consider it the greatest blessing to have had some moments with Mohammed, to witness the bliss of his absorbtion in The Beloved. It's encouraging to know that that's where we're going!
Date of Posting: 28 March 2018
Posted By: Robert Weinstein
A brief Incident.

I met Mohammed during my first visit to Meherabad in the fall of 1979. The Pilgrim Center wasn't open yet because it was still under construction, so we mostly visited Meherabad during the day and stayed in Ahmednagar at night. I recall though at one point that I was allowed to stay continously for four days & nigths in one of the lower Meherabad buildings.

It was during this stay that I happened to be walking one evening on the veranda of the large hall in which Mohammed slept. As I passed a closed window on the veranda - on the side nearest the main road - I chanced to look inside. I saw Mohammed laying on his simple bed in the far corner of the room, perhaps 20 feet from where I was standing.

He was sleeping in a fetal-like position with his legs drawn beneath him and his face buried in the mattress. His head was toward me and his feet pointed away. He had no blankets on but was wearing his ever present cotton sadra. I stood there a few moments watching him through the closed window thinking how little I understood the curious behavior of Baba's "masts" and yet facinated with him since Baba had said Mohammed was quite spiritually advanced.

Spontaneously, yet only in my thoughts, I uttered simply: "Good night dear Mohammed". Instantly, from the far side of room, Mohammed raised his head and gazed directly and intently at me through the window. I had not made a sound! His dark and firery eyes pinned me where I stood and gave me quite a shock because I intuitively knew that he had "heard" me. After long moments of this he looked away and I turned to leave the veranda. I recall thinking how little I really knew of his exalted state. In this brief moment Baba had helped me realize that the outward appearance and demeanor of His masts offers no yardstick with which to measure their inner being.
Date of Posting: 28 March 2018
Posted By: Jonathan
Irani Cobbler?

When I first met Mohammed, Erico took me into his room and introduced us. Mohammed was on his bunk and he said something which Erico latered translated for me as "who is this Irani cobbler?". I've never figured out what he meant by that, and I'm not a shoemaker by trade, though someone mentioned later that he uses the term "Irani" for any tall, fair-complexioned people. Subsequent encounters with Mohammed usually were passing exchanges of "Jai Baba" when I would go to look around the Meherabad Mandali Hall, or if Bhauji was present we pilgrims would sometimes wait in line to receive Mohammed's blessings, generally a humorous event since he was very happy with Bhau egging him on.
Date of Posting: 28 March 2018
Posted By: Tom
Me and Mohammed

I first met Mohammed in 1987, my first trip to Meherabad. When he met me he acted angry, mumbled something loudly, so I left pretty quickly. I was told later he could be strange around women, so I didn't worry about it too much. But later that day, while in my room at the Pilgrim Center, I found chocolates in my pocket. They weren't there before I left for India and I hadn't bought any. It became the general consensus that Mohammed had played a little trick on me by slipping them in my pocket magically I guess. Apparently he had done something similar before!
Date of Posting: 28 March 2018
Posted By: Ellen

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